import espressomd import from espressomd import lbboundaries from espressomd import shapes from espressomd import interactions import object_in_fluid as oif import numpy as np import os, sys, time # this script is for stretching a cell according to Dao2006 optical tweezers experiment # by applying a force at two opposite ends # input: the stretching force # it checks the transversal and axial cross-diameter # stops when they stop changing (within prescribed accuracy) # fluid is present and stationary ##################################### # INPUT DATA ###################################### if len(sys.argv) != 3: print ("2 arguments expected, in this order") print ("force, simNo") print (" ") else: force = float(sys.argv[1]) simNo = sys.argv[2] # GEOMETRY boxX = 30.0 boxY = 10.0 boxZ = 20.0 # CELL stretch = 3.91 noNodes = 374 originX = boxX/2 originY = boxY/2 originZ = boxZ/2 rbcMass = 100.0 partMass = rbcMass/noNodes ks = 0.005 kb = 0.003 kal = 0.02 kag = 0.9 kv = 0.9 kvisc = 0.0 # for rings for stretching # needs to be changed for different meshes xBoundMinR = 0.9 xBoundMaxR = 0.98 xBoundMinL = 0.9 xBoundMaxL = 0.98 # LBFLUID grid = 1.0 dens = 1.0 visc = 1.5 surface = (np.sqrt(134.3)/3.91*stretch)**2 friction =(393.0/noNodes)*np.sqrt(surface/201.0619)*((5.6-1.82)/(5.853658537-1.5)*(visc-1.5)+(10-1.82)/(6-1.025)*(dens-1.025)+1.82) # ITERATION PARAMETERS timeStep = 0.05 counter = 0 noLoops = 200000 noSteps = 100 # how many steps in one stretching loop noVtk = 100 # the cell vtk file written is written at (noVtk * noSteps) accuracy = 0.001 previousL = -1.0 previousA = -1.0 # temp variables tempVolume = 0.0 # we want to know the maximum deviation of volume and surface tempSurface = 0.0 tempCycle = 0 cycle = 0 # INPUT FILES fileNodes = "input/rbc" + str(noNodes) + "nodes.dat" fileTriangles = "input/rbc" + str(noNodes) + "triangles.dat" # OUTPUT FILES dir = "output" dirVtk = "output/vtk" dirParam = "output/param" dirVtkSimF = dirVtk+"/sim"+str(simNo)+"_"+str(force)+"vtk" os.makedirs(dirVtkSimF) ##################################### # initialization ###################################### system = espressomd.System(box_l=[boxX, boxY, boxZ]) system.time_step = timeStep = 0.2 # creating the template for cells cellType = oif.OifCellType(nodes_file=fileNodes, triangles_file=fileTriangles, system = system, ks=ks, kb=kb, kal=kal, kag=kag, kv=kv, kvisc=kvisc,\ resize =[stretch,stretch,stretch]) # creating the RBC cell = oif.OifCell(cell_type=cellType, particle_type=0, origin=[originX,originY,originZ], rotate=[np.pi/2.0, 0.0, 0.0], particle_mass=partMass) # fluid lb_params = {'agrid': grid, 'dens': dens, 'visc': visc, 'tau': timeStep} lbf =**lb_params) system.actors.add(lbf) system.thermostat.set_lb(LB_fluid=lbf, gamma=friction) # consider taking all nodes that have x coordinate approximately <5% or >95% total rightStretchedParticles = list() leftStretchedParticles = list() for i in cell.mesh.points: posI = (i.get_pos()[0]-cell.get_origin()[0])/stretch if xBoundMaxR >= posI >= xBoundMinR: rightStretchedParticles.append(i) if -xBoundMinL >= posI >= -xBoundMaxL: leftStretchedParticles.append(i) # we need to compute the contact size # silica beads are touching the sphere in a circle # we need to compute the diameter of this circle # radius is computed as an average over yz-radius of points that are being pulled radii = 0.0 for it in rightStretchedParticles: cy = it.get_pos()[1] - cell.get_origin()[1] cz = it.get_pos()[2] - cell.get_origin()[2] radii = radii + np.sqrt(cy**2 + cz**2) rightContactDiameter = 2.0*radii/len(rightStretchedParticles) print ("right diameter = " + str(rightContactDiameter)) radii = 0.0 for it in leftStretchedParticles: cy = it.get_pos()[1] - originY cz = it.get_pos()[2] - originZ radii = radii + np.sqrt(cy**2 + cz**2) leftContactDiameter = 2.0*radii/len(leftStretchedParticles) print ("left diameter = " + str(leftContactDiameter)) # check whether contact diameters are ok and # check whether number of stretched points on the right is approximately the same as on the left if rightContactDiameter > 2.2 or rightContactDiameter < 1.7: print ("wrong right diameter") foutParam.write("wrong right diameter") exit() if leftContactDiameter > 2.2 or leftContactDiameter < 1.7: print ("wrong left diameter") foutParam.write("wrong left diameter") exit() if abs(len(leftStretchedParticles)-len(rightStretchedParticles)) > 0.01 * noNodes: print ("numbers of particles stretched on right and left differ by more than 1% from nnode") foutParam.write("something is bad with particles:") foutParam.write("numbers of particles stretched on right and left differ by more than 1% from nnode") exit() # applying force at two rings of particles rightAppliedForce = force/len(rightStretchedParticles) print ("force on one node on the right = " + str(rightAppliedForce)) leftAppliedForce = force/len(leftStretchedParticles) print ("force on one node on the left = " + str(leftAppliedForce)) for it in rightStretchedParticles: it.set_force((rightAppliedForce, 0.0, 0.0)) for it in leftStretchedParticles: it.set_force((-leftAppliedForce, 0.0, 0.0)) print ("force has been applied to " + str(len(leftStretchedParticles)) + " particles on the left and " + str(len(rightStretchedParticles)) + " on the right side") ################################################################### # MAIN SIMULATION ################################################################### # save original surface, volume originalVolume = cell.volume() originalSurface = cell.surface() stopSimulation = 0 cell.output_vtk_pos(dirVtkSimF+"/stretch_"+str(simNo)+"_vtk0.vtk") ################################################################### # MAIN LOOP ################################################################### while counter < noLoops: startTime = time.time() counter += 1 cycle = counter*noSteps # vtk file if counter % noVtk == 0: cell.output_vtk_pos(dirVtkSimF+"/stretch_"+str(simNo)+"_vtk"+str(cycle)+".vtk") # l-prologation should not be computed as maximal right coordinate minus maximal left coordinate # It should be computed from average of stretched particles rightX = 0 for it in rightStretchedParticles: rightX = rightX + it.get_pos()[0] rightX = rightX / len(rightStretchedParticles) leftX = 0 for it in leftStretchedParticles: leftX = leftX + it.get_pos()[0] leftX = leftX / len(leftStretchedParticles) length = rightX - leftX zMin = cell.pos_bounds()[4] zMax = cell.pos_bounds()[5] thickness = zMax - zMin # actual surface, volume and their deviation from originals volume = cell.volume() surface = cell.surface() devVolume = (volume - originalVolume)*100/originalVolume devSurface = (surface - originalSurface)*100/originalSurface if counter % noVtk == 0: fout = open(dirVtk+"/"+str(simNo)+"outDat.dat", "w") fout.write ("f l a l - previous_l previous_a - a devSurface devVolume ""\n") if abs(devSurface) > 3 or abs(devVolume) > 3: fout.write("Error: devSurface = "+str(devSurface)+", devVolume = " +str(devVolume)) stopSimulation = 1 else: fout.write(str(force)+" "+str(length)+" "+str(thickness)+" "+str(length-previousL)+" "+str(previousA-thickness)+" "+str(devSurface)+" "+str(devVolume)) fout.close() if (length-previousL)/previousL < 0.0001 and counter > 100: stopSimulation = 1 previousA = thickness previousL = length # save the maximum of volume and surface deviation if abs(devVolume) > tempVolume: tempVolume = abs(devVolume) tempCycle = cycle if abs(devSurface) > tempSurface: tempSurface = abs(devSurface) tempCycle = cycle if stopSimulation == 1: counter = noLoops # last vtk for this stretching cell.output_vtk_pos(dirVtk+"/sim" + str(simNo) + "_force" + str(force) + ".vtk") elapsedTime = time.time()-startTime print ("Simulation completed in: " + str(elapsedTime)) foutFinalData = open(dir+'/sim'+str(simNo)+"_finalData.dat","a") foutFinalData.write(str(force)+" "+str(length)+" "+str(thickness)+" "+str(volume)+" "+str(surface)+" "+str(cycle)+" "+str(tempVolume)+" "+str(tempSurface)+" "\ +str(tempCycle)+" "+str(time))