import espressomd import from espressomd import lbboundaries from espressomd import shapes from espressomd import interactions import object_in_fluid as oif import numpy as np import os, sys import random def create_obstacles(): # bottom of the channel tmp_shape = shapes.Rhomboid(corner=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], a=[boxX, 0.0, 0.0], b=[0.0, boxY, 0.0], c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction=1) boundaries.append(tmp_shape) oif.output_vtk_rhomboid(rhom_shape=tmp_shape, out_file=vtk_directory + "/wallBottom.vtk") # top of the channel tmp_shape = shapes.Rhomboid(corner=[0.0, 0.0, boxZ - 1], a=[boxX, 0.0, 0.0], b=[0.0, boxY, 0.0], c=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], direction=1) boundaries.append(tmp_shape) oif.output_vtk_rhomboid(rhom_shape=tmp_shape, out_file=vtk_directory + "/wallTop.vtk") # obstacle - cylinder centerA = [21.0, 7.0, boxZ/2] cyl_centers.append(centerA) tmp_shape = shapes.Cylinder(center=centerA, axis=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0], length=boxZ, radius=cyl_radius, direction=1) boundaries.append(tmp_shape) oif.output_vtk_cylinder(cyl_shape=tmp_shape, n=20, out_file=vtk_directory + "/cylinder.vtk") def max_velocity(): max_vel = -1 for i in range(0, int(boxX)): for j in range(0, int(boxY)): for k in range(0, int(boxZ)): vel = oif.norm(lbf[i, j, k].velocity) if vel > max_vel: max_vel = vel iout = i jout = j kout = k return [max_vel, iout, jout, kout] sim_no = int(sys.argv[1]) directory = "output/sim"+str(sim_no) os.makedirs(directory) vtk_directory = directory+"/vtk" os.makedirs(vtk_directory) boxX = 28.0 boxY = 14.0 boxZ = 14.0 system = espressomd.System(box_l=[boxX, boxY, boxZ]) = 0.2 system.time_step = 0.2 cyl_radius = 3.0 cyl_centers = list() boundaries = [] create_obstacles() rbc_radius = 3.91 rbc_friction = 1.82 fluid_force = 0.00004 soft_a = 0.0003 soft_n = 1.2 soft_cutoff = 0.1 mem_a = 0.03 mem_n = 2.5 mem_cutoff = 0.2 # output simulation parameters to a file output_file = open(directory+"/parameters.dat", "w") output_file.write("sim_no = " + str(sim_no) + "\n") output_file.write("ext_force = " + str(fluid_force) + "\n") output_file.write("soft_a = " + str(soft_a) + "\n") output_file.write("soft_n = " + str(soft_n) + "\n") output_file.write("soft_cutoff = " + str(soft_cutoff) + "\n") output_file.write("mem_a = " + str(mem_a) + "\n") output_file.write("mem_n = " + str(mem_n) + "\n") output_file.write("mem_cutoff = " + str(mem_cutoff) + "\n") output_file.write("----------------------------------------\n") output_file.close() # creating the template for RBC type = oif.OifCellType(nodes_file="input/rbc374nodes.dat", triangles_file="input/rbc374triangles.dat", check_orientation=False, system=system, ks=0.0127, kb=0.0002, kal=0.0254, kag=0.9, kv=0.5, resize=[rbc_radius, rbc_radius, rbc_radius], normal = True) # creating the RBCs rbc1 = oif.OifCell(cell_type=type, particle_type=0, origin=[14.0,6.0,7.0], particle_mass=0.5, rotate=[np.pi/2, 0.0, 0.0]) rbc2 = oif.OifCell(cell_type=type, particle_type=1, origin=[6.0,9.0,7.0], particle_mass=0.5, rotate=[np.pi/2, 0.0, 0.0]) # creating boundaries for boundary in boundaries: system.lbboundaries.add(lbboundaries.LBBoundary(shape=boundary)) system.constraints.add(shape=boundary, particle_type=100, penetrable=False) # cell-wall interactions system.non_bonded_inter[0, 100].soft_sphere.set_params(a=soft_a, n=soft_n, cutoff=soft_cutoff, offset=0.0) system.non_bonded_inter[1, 100].soft_sphere.set_params(a=soft_a, n=soft_n, cutoff=soft_cutoff, offset=0.0) # cell-cell interactions system.non_bonded_inter[0,1].membrane_collision.set_params(a=mem_a, n=mem_n, cutoff=mem_cutoff, offset=0.0) # fluid lb_params = {'agrid': 1, 'dens': 1, 'visc': 1.5, 'tau': system.time_step, 'ext_force_density': [fluid_force, 0.0, 0.0]} lbf =**lb_params) system.actors.add(lbf) system.thermostat.set_lb(LB_fluid=lbf, gamma=1.5) # main integration loop max_cycle = 100 max_vel = -1 integr_steps = 500 for i in range(1, max_cycle+1): rbc1.output_vtk_pos_folded(file_name=vtk_directory + "/cell1_" + str(i) + ".vtk") rbc2.output_vtk_pos_folded(file_name=vtk_directory + "/cell2_" + str(i) + ".vtk") curr_vel = oif.norm(lbf[20,13,7].velocity) if curr_vel>max_vel: max_vel = curr_vel print "time: ", str(i * system.time_step*integr_steps), " fluid velocity: ", curr_vel print "Simulation completed." # output simulation data to file output_file = open(directory+"/parameters.dat", "a") output_file.write("max fluid velocity = " + str(max_vel) + "\n") output_file.write("Tfinal = " + str(max_cycle * system.time_step*integr_steps) + "\n") output_file.close()